The person who said this to me didn’t mean it maliciously. But that didn’t stop the words from punching my tender heart.
Sometimes all people see are the things I’m not doing. Not the fact I’ve had my whole life dismantled and rebuilt by a loving Redeemer.
Have I quit writing? No.
Am I ever going to publish another book? Yes.
Will it be soon? Not likely. 😉
But that doesn’t mean I’m not actively marching toward the goal the Father has established for me.
It can be hard to stand up against the loud expectations of others. Especially when they’re poking at tender areas like success standards and accomplishments.
Yet I’m thankful we’re not defined by other people’s expectations. Neither my identity nor my value is tied to what I achieve (or don’t achieve) with my two hands.
My identity and value are determined by God alone. And from that place of genuine love and partnership with His Holy Spirit, I can conquer business valleys and tear down mental mountains.
This is the year of intentional action and reaping the fruit of consistency. And I can’t wait to see what all this year brings. It’s going to be amazing! 🥰
I have wrestled long and hard over which story to dive back into–since committing to walk out life with this new heart of mine.
At first, I brainstormed a fresh new story. But I kept feeling a strong conviction to revisit the stories I’d already started but had abandoned during those painful years between 2018 and 2021.
I shared a peek on Instagram of which story I picked. Honestly, it’s the weirdest feeling re-reading what I wrote back in 2019. I have no idea who these characters are or what drives them. 😂
And yet it’s refreshing to visit their story and be reintroduced to them.
Right now, this draft is sitting pretty at 20K words (and is a glorified outline of thoughts 😂). I’m excited to see what gets tackled or added by the end of February!
Here are a few images I’m using purely for inspirational purposes.
I have to share a quick “thank you!”
Y’all have blessed me more than you’ll ever know!
Thank you so much to everyone who’s emailed, commented, and DM’d in celebration over what the Lord is doing in my life.
I was floored to still have people who remember me. 😂 Let alone have friends and readers join in with joy over all that’s been conquered.
You make this journey special! Thank you for being amazing!
I know (without a doubt) I can’t do this without God, and I’m grateful beyond words to know you’re still walking this book journey with me!
I’m currently drafting up March’s blog and newsletter content, and I would love to feature one of your questions!
Is there something you’d like to know either about my journey or my upcoming book?
Feel welcome to drop a comment below or shoot me an email! I’d love to chat!
February 16, 2023
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