The Year of Experimentation [Life Updates]

Shout out to all the reformed people pleasers. I see you!

One of the hardest things to do is slow down in a society that roars the value of hustle. The call to rest and be still can seem almost impossible to achieve.

Even more impossible, would be directions from the Lord to play while waiting for promises to be fulfilled.

Play? While there’s work to be done and people eyeballing our success rates? 👀

The struggle’s real

I understand the fundamentals of play. Fully grasped the intrinsic value of play.

Children grow socially and emotionally while in play. Even young animals learn essential skills while playing around with their parents.

Creative play has deep values for developmental growth.

Yet could I do it when the Lord asked it of me?

No. 🤦🏻‍♀️

My brain could not wrap around the concept of play. For months, I wrestled with the calendar, unable to logically block out valuable work time for the sake of “playing”.

Time is a valuable commodity. Once spent, you do not get it back. And I couldn’t justify spending time on creative play when there was so much work needing to be done to resurrect my dormant businesses.

Yet God, in His abundant mercies, would not let me miss the gift He offered when directing me to play while in my season of waiting.

A script change on play

During that beautiful end-of-year transition when any goal seemed possible, I sat with the Lord to discern what the new year held for life and business.

The word “experiment” circled in my spirit for weeks.

Experiment as defined by dictionary(.)com means:

  • Noun: a test, trial, or tentative procedure; an act or operation for the purpose of discovering something unknown or testing a principle, supposition, etc [emphasis added]
  • Verb (used without object): to try or test, especially in order to discover or prove something [emphasis added]

That word hit me hard!

Over the last couple of months, any time I ventured into a new business idea, I’d remind myself I was experimenting.

I’m not committing my life to a new strategy–I’m experimenting.

I tried out new scheduling patterns. I experimented with new workflows. I trialed creative theories. Even better, I HAD FUN. 🤯

For the first time in my 10+ years of business, the pressure had been lifted off my shoulders to measure the output value of my work and simply exist in the moment.

All within this realm of experimentation.

You know what I discovered?

God used “experiment” to teach me how to play. 😅

I had a massive chuckle with the Father when the proverbial lightbulb went off revealing what He’d done.

Yet, I appreciate the Father so much more because, in His good mercies, He wouldn’t let me miss the beautiful gift being offered.

I love how God patiently leads us even when we humanly miss the mark.

God is amazing, and I’m so grateful I’m His.

Do you play well?

My friend, experimenting and creative play lead us to discoveries we never knew God had planned for us.

If you’re like past-me, wrestling to rest and simply enjoy the journey, then I hope this email reminds you that no matter our age, we never grow out of our need to believe with child-like faith and wonder.

You were made for more, my friend. May you have the courage to play and allow the Lord to show you His wonders in your season of waiting.

*massive hugs*

February 20, 2025

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