Resist and Overcome

“Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.”

1 Peter 5:9 (NKJV)

We often hear how disciples of Jesus will be hated and rejected by this world.

The world does not know Jesus and therefore will not receive Christ’s followers. This isn’t referencing lost individuals but the forces of this world who continuously rebel against the authority of God and His kingdom.

As disciples of Christ, we must endure the pressures and persecutions because we do not love our lives. We surrender them.

Disciples live their lives in such a way as to see God’s will done on this earth and not their own. Because we understand the cost of discipleship is worth the price paid for seeing souls enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

They willingly make daily sacrifices because their love for God is greater than their love for themselves.

Yet, no one testifies of the struggle with fear and rejection as the result of such daily pressures.

The hatred felt by others doesn’t just roll off your back. It leaves a mark. One that God does heal–yes. But the sorrow or trauma shouldn’t be ignored. Rather, it should be overcome in Christ Jesus (and yes, I speak from experience. These are not simple or lightly spoken words.)

Peter advises the church in 1 Peter 5:9 to resist the devil. The word ‘resist’ means to stand firm against and to oppose. Essentially, a zero-tolerance policy within the territory of our minds.

We do not tolerate the tactics, devices, schemes, lies, etc. Instead, we oppose them to then overthrow them for God’s glory. So God may rule here on earth as He does in heaven (ref. Matthew 6:10).

I’ve asked the Lord a few times if rejection is my “thorn” that buffets me in life because I can’t seem to get away from it or the effects.

Just this morning, the Lord invited me into a planning session for a project to launch next year. I’d love to say I immediately jumped into the conversation with wholehearted surrender.

Yet, in full confession, I hesitated.

Not because I didn’t want to be obedient. But a piece of me cried out to the Lord, “They won’t want me.”

This shows evidence that seeds of fear remain from the painful seasons of rejection.

And it’s my responsibility to resist (stand against) that seed and overthrow it with the truth of God’s Word.

I have faith. I have the armor. I have the Word. It’s my responsibility to use them.

The Father has spent MONTHS tenderly speaking to my heart and affirming my place in His love, His kingdom, and His family. I am assured of my place in His household. I am well-loved, desired, and wanted.

I do not need to fear. Yet that doesn’t stop fear from rising up against me. How I conclude this day now depends on me. And I chose–faith-believing–to trust in God my Father and walk out the assignment He’s inviting me into.

I chose to proclaim His truth and, in turn, overthrow this current jab at my confidence. This rejection has no hold on me. The enemy has nothing in me.

When Peter advised the church to resist the enemy, he wasn’t talking about major strongholds or principalities over cities or nations (although, those need to be overthrown through Christ’s authority).

This truth applies to the daily moments and the quiet thoughts that roll through your head. Freedom and peace are within our grasp when we surrender all our worries, fears, and anxieties to Christ Jesus. Because He genuinely cares for us (ref. 1 Peter 5:6–7).

If this testimony resonates with your spirit, then I’d love to encourage you to talk with Jesus today and stand upon His truth. May you feel His love, surrender to His leading, and be free from the fear or rejection buffeting your heart and mind.

You are so dearly loved by the King. May your eyes be open to see His love for you.

To God be all the glory.

blue sky and cloud image with scripture quote from 1 Peter 5:9-11
woman conquering mountain

September 27, 2024

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